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Code of Conduct

Team Tampa Rowing strives to provide a welcoming, safe, supportive and enjoyable environment for program participants. We believe that all individuals have the right to be treated with dignity and respect regardless of abilities or limitations. Therefore, our programs focus on positive attention toward well- behaved participants with the use of incentives, along with positive reinforcement from the parents/guardians. However, there are also consequences for participants who do not follow the rules and guidelines designated for their safety and welfare.


The Code of Conduct consists of disciplinary guidelines set up to help the Team Tampa Rowing staff insures a safe and productive environment for all of our participants. All participants are responsible for understanding and adhering to these guidelines and are expected to follow the rules. Parents/Guardians are responsible for helping their child(ren) understand and abide by these guidelines and for recognizing that unacceptable behavior shall be subject to disciplinary action as listed below.

Staff will review each case on an individual basis and all available facts will be considered. All suspensions must include proper notification to parents/guardians and shall take place as soon as possible.


Mobile Devices

Electronic devices (cell phones, earbuds, Bluetooth, electronic games, iPads etc.) are not allowed during program hours and should never be brought out on the water with an athlete.  Team Tampa Rowing is not responsible for lost or damaged personal property.



LEVEL I – The types of unacceptable behavior include, but are not limited to:

  • Engaging in horseplay, pushing others, or any other unwanted physical contact as determined by staff.

  • Misuse of any equipment.

  • Wandering from groups, activities, or being in areas not properly supervised.

  • Disrupting practice sessions.

  • Unauthorized phone usage.

  • Throwing any type of object.

  • Refusing to follow directions.

  • Violating a safety rule or practice.

  • Cursing or using foul language.

  • Being disrespectful.



FIRST OFFENSE: verbal counseling with participant

SECOND OFFENSE: time out from activities and notify parents in writing via email or text

THIRD OFFENSE: parent/guardian conference required; possible suspension

FOUTH OFFENSE: may be a week suspension


LEVEL II – The types of unacceptable behavior include, but are not limited to:

  • Repeat offenses of Level I unacceptable behavior.

  • Using abusive language.

  • Minor vandalism as determined by staff.

  • Engaging in consensual intimate physical conduct.


LEVEL II CONSEQUENCES (and repeat offenses of Level I)

FIRST OFFENSE: parent/guardian conference required

SECOND OFFENSE: one-day suspension from program

THIRD OFFENSE: three-day suspension from program

FOURTH OFFENSE: may result in immediate dismissal from the program


LEVEL III – The types of unacceptable behavior include, but are not limited to:

  • Repeat offenses of Level II unacceptable behavior.

  • Theft or removal of team property without proper authorization.

  • Possession or use of drugs/narcotics, tobacco, alcohol, or possession of such paraphernalia.

  • Being under the influence of drugs/narcotics or alcohol.

  • Unauthorized possession of a firearm, explosives, weapons, or dangerous instruments as determined by staff.

  • Deliberately stealing, misusing, destroying, excessive vandalism, destruction of city property, or damaging other’s property.

  • Indecent exposure.

  • Engaging in non-consensual intimate physical conduct.

  • Exhibiting threatening or intimidating behavior.

  • Provoking, instigating a fight, or fighting at any time.

  • Bullying.

  • Deliberately spitting on and/or biting another individual.

  • Leaving the practice area without permission.


LEVEL III CONSEQUENCES (and repeat offenses of Level II)

Any violation may result in an immediate dismissal/suspension from all Team Tampa Rowing programs for a duration to be determined by the Parks and Recreation Director or designee. Also, no refunds will be given. Additionally, law enforcement may be contacted. The city will pursue all appropriate remedies for any and all damages to city owned property, facilities, and equipment.


If your child is a victim of unacceptable behavior, we encourage them to discuss the issue with an on-site staff member they are comfortable with, so that the situation can be handled appropriately. However, in the event your child notifies you, please bring it to the attention of the on-site staff again, so that the situation can be handled appropriately.

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